ARCS has taken part in the drafting of studies and projects and has collaborated in the management of works in all branches of civil engineering: roads, hydraulic works, transport, railways, environment, bridges and structures, geotechnics, urban development, architecture , etc., participating in the different steps of the investment process: planning, project, expropriations and construction management.
In particular, it has participated in a very prominent way in the process of developing new road and rail infrastructures, highlighting the drafting of highways and roads with a total length of more than 800 km.
Also, for more than fifteen years, the company has collaborated with the Dirección General de Carreteras of the Ministerio de Fomento in the supervision of highways, urban development projects and actions, having assisted in the supervision of more than two hundred projects of diverse nature throughout the Spanish geography. This confidence is a logical consequence of the high level of qualification and technical solvency acquired.
ARCS has the Quality and Environmental Management Certifications according to the UNE-EN ISO/9001:2015 and UNE-EN/ISO 14001:2015 standards, respectively.